—“Bundeswehr raus aus dem Balkan, Afghanistan und
Nahost! Spartakist”
gegen den kapitalistischen SPD/PDS- senat! Spartakist”
Upholding the
sanctity of borders in Europe is, of course, the line of the West European
ruling classes, which oppose the exercise of self-determination by oppressed
nationalities at home, such as the Basques and Catalans.
In opposition to such chauvinism, we call for the
right of independence for the Basques on both sides of the French and Spanish
border as well as for the Catalans, whose scheduled referendum on
self-determination later this year has been declared illegal by the
Castilian-chauvinist government based in Madrid. We stand for the right of
Catalonia and other nations not only to “unilaterally” hold a vote on
independence but to act on a vote in favor of secession.
—Workers Vanguard, 1048. zenbakia: “Reformist Left: Shills for U.S./EU
Imperialists Over Ukraine”(2014-6-13)