
Faxismoaren 5. zutabea / La 5ª columna del fascismo

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“The absolute uniformity of the Basque policy of surrendering all industrial cities intact has no counterpart in any modern war, not to speak of civil wars!”

Milizianoak Alegian

(by Felix Morrow)

Socialist Appeal
(organ of the Socialist Party of New York,
Left Wing Branches)

4. zenbakia,  1937ko irailaren 4a


antander, last Biscay port of the Loyalists, was surrendered on August 26 [1937] by the Basque general staff without the slighetst attempt to defend it. Santander fell into the hands of Franco intact, its port and factories ready for use by the Fascists. The same thing had happened in Reinosa, manufacturing town and key to Santander’s defenses, a few days earlier. Instead of war to death against fascism, the Negrin goverment’s appointees miserably capitulated. Not even the military supllies were destroyed. Even before the fascist troops arrived in Santander, yesterday’s “loyal republican police”, the National Republican Guards, as well as armed fascist civilians, were patroling the streets and disarming Asturian militiamen.
            A revealing light is thrown on the conduct of the Basque Government by a Times dispatch of August 25 [1937]:

“At the time of the fall of Bilbao [Bilbo] the Basques freed all their hostages except seventeen. Now these are considered to be in the gravest peril as the Basques admit that it is no longer possible to protect them from extremist elements (the Asturian miners) in Santander.
“When the British Embassy agreed to take off the hostages it would also evacuate the Basques who have been guarding them as well as any remaining members of the Basque Government...
“It is hoped that the whole maneuver will be carried out before the more violent elements in Santander are aware of what is happening.”

Play Fascist Game

The next day the British battleship “Keith”, with Basque and Fascist representatives aboard “rescued” the Basque officials and the seventeen fascists! Instead of going to the Asturian port, Gijon, to which the real fighters against fascism were sailing for the last stand against Franco, the Basque President Aguirre [Agirre], a his cohorts, prefered to leave Spain, paying for the voyage by releasing seventeen important Fascist prisoners! Such is the quality of the “antifascism” of the liberal  bourgeoisie.

            That the Basque bourgeoisie would not fight to the death against Franco was apparent as early as September, 1936, when they abandoned the factories of San Sebastian [Donostia] intact to the enemy. The same thing has happened in the case of every city in the Biscay provinces. Rather than conduct an intransigeant struggle involving demolition of bourgeois factories and buildings, the bourgeoisie preferred to abandon the cities, one by one. Property was more sacred to them than the struggle against fascism. If the property were destroyed, it would be irretrievably lost. But if they surrendered it intact and Franco was victorious, Franco, believing in private property, would certainly want to conciliate the property-owners when the war was over, even if they had been on the wrong side for a time..... Apart from this certain prospect, there may even have been an understanding on this point with Franco; the absolute uniformity of the Basque policy of surredering all industrial cities intact has no counterpart in any modern war, not to speak of civil wars! [...]

F. Morrow
