
LKI: "Independentzia Katalunia eta Euskal Herriarentzat!"

Liga Komunista Internazionalaren artikulua Workers Vanguarden:
Independentzia Katalunia eta Euskal Herriarentzat!
Behera Europar Batasuna!
Europako Estatu Batu Sozialisten alde!

·         Etsaitasun burgesak Espainia multinazionalean
·         E.B.k chauvinismo nazionalak hauspotzen ditu
·         Euskal nazionalista guztiak askatu!
·         Nazionalismo katalanaren jatorria eta izaera
·         Sasiburuzagi erreformistek langileen borroka traizionatzen dute
·         Sozialdemokrata ustelak eta populista burgesak
·         Hizkuntzaren auzia
·         Alderdi leninista forjatu!

CDDS. Trotskistak euskal presoen askatasuna aldarrikatzen.

Róża Luksemburg: "Langile mugimendu modernoaren indar osoa ezagutza teorikoan datza"

Langile mugimendu modernoaren indar osoa ezagutza teorikoan datza. [...] Ezagutza zientifikoa “akademiko” bakar batzuen pribilegio izaten segitzen duen bitartean, alderdia desbideratzeko arriskua izango du. Soilik langile gehienek sozialismo zientifikoaren arma zorrotz eta eraginkorra heltzen dutenean joko dute hondoa makurdura burges-txiki guztiak, korronte oportunista guztiak. Orduantxe mugimendua oinarri sendoetan finkatuko da. “Kantitateak lortuko du”.

Róża Luksemburg: Erreforma edo iraultza; Berlin, 1899ko apirilaren 18a.


La gran fuerza, el poder insuperable de la revolución proletaria estriba en que el determinismo universal, que rige la vida en todos los órdenes, ha soldado en una poderosa unidad proletariado, comunismo y ciencia, que bajo el imperio de la necesidad caminan con ritmo arrollador a la conquista del universo.                                                                                  

—Esteban Bilbao, 1932ko otsaila. Comunismo (Órgano teórico de la Oposición Internacional Española) nº9.

Erregimen burgesak bertze amerikar bat torturatu eta deportatu du

Kapitalismopean poliziaren zeregin nagusia grebak zapuztu eta klase agintariaren politiken aurka zuzentzen diren beste era batzuetako protestak erreprimitzea da. Poliziak izan ditzakeen beste gizalegezko erabilgarritasunak, trafikoa zaindu eta anbulantziei deitzea adibidez, guztiz kasualitatezkoak dira bere funtsezko zeregina erreprimitzea delako. Banakako polizien joera pertsonalek ez dute aldatzen poliziaren oinarrizko izaera. Guztia klase agintariaren esanetara egin behar da. Ondorioz, errepresio polizialaren bidez kapitalismoak giza eskubideak jabetza pribatuaren nahien menpe jartzen dituen erarik agerienetariko bat bilakatzen da.  Polizia-agenteek zenbaitetan beraien zeregin antisozialetan huts egiten badute —erabiltzen dituzten armen antzera— hori soilik gertatzen da herdoiltzeko aukera dutelako hasieratik hezituak  izan diren funtzio hiltzailea betetzeko ongi entrenatuak ez badaude.

—Farrell Dobbs, Teamster Rebellion (1972)

Pablemos con la txakurrada y la tortura:

James Connollyren "Klase zapalduak Irlandaren historian" (.pdf)

F. Engels Fundazioak euskaratua. Liburuak = 6 euro.


Trotskistas enfréntanse al Ku Klux Klan y la policía

 Spartacist League: "Labor/black mobilizations to smash Klan/nazi terror!"
"Sitdowns to fight mass layoffs!"
"Break with the republicans & democrats!"
 Spartacist League: "Stop the Klan!", "Finish the Civil War"
 La movilización trotskista rodea a los nazi-capitalistas del KKK, protegidos, estos, por bandas racistas policiacas.
 "Stop the KKK"
 Esbirro del régimen reprime a un hombre
 Perro del régimen estadounidense
 Bandas regulares del capitalismo (la policía) protegen a las bandas irregulares del capitalismo (el KKK)
 Militantes anti-racistas
 Lucha de clases frente al Capitolio, Washington, centro neurálxico del imperialismo USA.
 "For the right of armed self-defense (...)"
"Remember Greensboro -- five militants murdered by KKK / Nazis -- Never again"

Trotskistas de la Liga Espartaquista: "For labor black defense against fascist terror"

"askatze sexuala iraultza sozialistaren ondorio bat da”

Courbet-en L'Origine du monde ("Munduaren jatorria")
“gizonen eta emazteen askatze sexuala iraultza sozialistaren ondorio bat da”

Mais, en même temps, en véritables marxistes révolutionnaires, ils comprennent à fond, comme Lénine, que ce qu’on peut appeler libération sexuelle de l’homme et de la femme, est une conséquence de la révolution socialiste, sans la réalisation de laquelle tout le reste risque de n´être que bavardage creux et leurre.

La véritable libération sexuelle des hommes et des femmes, à tout âge, ne peut être qu’une conséquence pas même inmédiate mais ultérieure de la révolution socialiste, rendant matériallement et psysiologiquement possible une grande activité sexuelle, dans un cadre d’egalité, de liberté parfaite, de beauté et d’exaltation.

Ni les ouvriers écrasés, entre autres, par le labeur quotidien, ni les femmes toujours si défavorisées ne peuvent « se libérer » sexuellement sans révolution socialiste préalable. Seuls quelque individus privilégiés peuvent prétendre pouvoir lutter dès maitenant efficacement pour leur propre libération sexuelle. Mais prétendre seulement!

Quatrième International. KINSEY ET LA SEXUALITÉ de Daniel Guérin. (1955eko martxoa)

Milizia proletarioa Lenin eta Trotskyren garaian

Afganistango irudi gehiago

Irudi gehiago igo dira "Afganistan" atalean:
Nuevas fotos en la sección "Afganistan":
"Mila esker"

Richard S. Fraser: "Nazio modernoa kapitalismoaren produktu esklusibo bat da"

Trotsky. Foto recortada; detalle.

2.- The Question of Nationalism

 [ For the Materialist Conception of the Negro Struggle ]

Richard S. Fraser, 1955


The modern nation is exclusively a product of capitalism. It arose in Europe out of the atomization and dispersal of the productive forces which characterized feudalism.

Nations began to emerge with the growth of trade and formed the framework for the production and distribution of commodities on a capitalist basis.

R. S. Fraser,
estatubatuar komunista
Nationalism has a contradictory historical development in Europe. Trotsky elaborated this difference as the key to understanding the role of the national question in the Russian revolution. In the first place the nations of western Europe emerged in the unification of petty states around a commercial center. The problem of the bourgeois revolution was to achieve this national unification.

In eastern Europe, Russian nationalism appeared on the scene in the role of the oppressor of many small nations. The problem of national unification in the Russian revolution was the breakup of this oppressive system and to achieve the independence of the small nations.

These were the two basic expressions of the national question in Europe. But these two basic phases of national development, corresponding to different stages in the development of capitalism, each contain a multiplicity of forms and combinations of the two phases [as is] not uncommon.

The national question of Europe reveals problems such as the Scotch rebellions, wherein a nation never emerged; Holland in its revolutionary war against Spain; the peculiarity of the unification of Germany; the rise and breakup of the Austro-Hungarian empire; the revolutionary transformation of the Czarist empire into the USSR; and the many contradictory expressions of national consciousness which were revealed in the October revolution; and lastly, the peculiar phenomenon of the Jews: a nation without a territory.

But even these do not exhaust the national question, for it appears as one of the fundamental problems of the whole colonial revolution, and all the problems of national unification, and national independence, dispersal and unification, of the centrifugal and centripetal forces unleashed by the national questions, reappear in new and different forms.

And we have by no means seen everything. The African struggle, as it assumes its mature form will show us another fascinating and unique expression of the national struggle.

What constitutes the basis for nationalism? A people united by a system of commodity exchange, a language and culture expressing the needs of commodity exchange, a territory to contain these elements: all these are elements of nationalism. Which is fundamental to the concept of the nation?

Language is important but not decisive: the Ukraine was so Russified and the Ukrainian language so close to extinction that Luxemburg could refer contemptuously to it as a novelty of the intelligentsia. Yet this did not prevent Ukrainian nationalism, when awakened by the Bolsheviks, to play a decisive role in the Russian revolution, alongside the other nationalities.

It would be convenient to be able to fasten upon geography as a fundamental to nationalism: a common territory where in relative isolation a nation could develop. This has, indeed, been the condition for the existence of nations generally; still it would not satisfy the Jewish nation which existed for centuries without a territory.

The one quality which is common to all and cannot be dispensed with in consideration of any and all of the nations of Europe, of the colonial world—the one indispensable quality which they all possess, and without which none could exist; including the old nations and the new ones, the large and small, the advanced and the backward, the “classical” and the exceptional—is the quality of their relation to a system of commodity production and circulation: its capacity to serve as a unit of commodity exchange.

National oppression arises fundamentally out of the suppression of the right of a commodity to fulfill its normal economic function in the process of technological development and to produce and circulate commodities according to the normal laws of capitalist production.

Washington, 1982
This is at the foundation of the national oppression of every nation in Europe and the colonial world. This is the groundwork out of which national aspirations develop and from which national revolutions emerge. It is this fundamental economic relation of a people to the forces of production which creates the national question and determines the laws of motion of the national struggle. This is just as true of the cases of obscure nationalities who only achieved national consciousness after the October revolution as it was for the Netherlands, or France, or for Poland.

Comrade Breitman is thoughtful not to put words into my mouth. But I wish he were equally thoughtful in not attributing to me ideas which I think he has had every opportunity to know that I do not hold. For when he contends that I am thinking only of the classical examples of the national question, when I deny that the Negro question is a national question, he is very wrong.

The Negro question is not a national question because it lacks the fundamental groundwork for the development of nationalism; an independent system of commodity exchange, or to be more precise, a mode of life which would make possible the emergence of such a system.

This differentiates the Negro question from the most obscure of all the European national questions, for at the root of each and every one of them is to be found this fundamental relation to the productive forces.

The Negro question is a racial question: a matter of discrimination because of skin color, and that’s all.

Because of the fundamental economic problem which was inherent among the oppressed nations of eastern Europe, Lenin foresaw the revolutionary significance of the idea of the right of self-determination.

He applied this to the national question and to it alone. Women are a doubly exploited group in all society. But Lenin never applied the slogan of self-determination to the woman question. It would not make sense. And it doesn’t make very much more sense when applied to the Negro question.

It would if the Negroes were a nation. Or the embryo of a “nation within a nation” or a precapitalist people living in an isolated territory which might become the framework for a national system of commodity exchange and capitalist production. Negroes, however, are not victims of national oppression but of racial discrimination. The right of self-determination is not the question which is at stake in their struggle. It is, however, fundamental to the national struggle.

Despite his protestation to the contrary, Comrade Breitman holds to a basically nationalist conception of the Negro struggle.

This is contrary to the fundamental course of the Negro struggle and a vital danger to the party. Comrade Breitman’s conception of the unique quality of the Negro movement is explained by him on page 9. In comparison to the nationalist movements of Europe, Asia and Africa he says “Fraser sees one similarity and many differences between them; we see many similarities and one big difference.”

Of what does this one big difference consist? According to Comrade Breitman, the only difference between the movement of the Polish nationalists under Czarism and the American Negro today is that the Negro movement “thus far aims solely at acquiring enough force and momentum to break down the barriers that exclude Negroes from American society, showing few signs of aiming at national separatism.”

Therefore, the only difference between the Poles and the Negroes is one of consciousness. But this proposition makes a theoretical shambles not only of the Negro question but of the national question too. According to this analysis, any especially oppressed group which expressed group solidarity is automatically a nation. Or an embryo of a nation. Or an embryo of a nation within a nation. This would apply equally to the women throughout the world and the untouchables of the caste system of India.

If we must ignore the fundamental economic differences in the oppression of the Polish nation and the Negro people, and conclude that the only difference between them is one of consciousness, then we have not only discarded Lenin’s and Trotsky’s theses on the national question, but we have completely departed from the materialist conception of history.

It is one thing for Trotsky to say that the fact that there are no cultural barriers between the Negro people and the rest of the residents of the U.S. would not be decisive if the Negroes should actually develop a movement of a separatist nature. But it is an altogether different matter for Breitman to assume that the fundamental economic and cultural conditions which form the groundwork of nationalism have no significance whatever in the consideration of the Negroes as a nation.

The basic error in Negro nationalism in the U.S. is the failure to deal with the material foundation of nationalism in general. This results in the conception that nationalism is only a matter of consciousness without material foundation. The other subordinate arguments which buttress the nationalism conception of the Negro question clearly demonstrate this error.

iSt, gero LKI


Marx: "Ekonomistek teologoen antza dute"

Ekonomistek era berezi batean arrazoitzen dute. Beraientzat bi instituzio mota baino ez da: batzuk, artifizialak; bertzeak, naturalak. Feudalismoaren instituzioak artifizialak dira, eta burgesiarenak naturalak. Ekonomistek, hor,  teologoen antza dute, hauek ere bi erlijio mota aitortzen dituztelako. Edozein erlijio arrotz gizakien asmakeria hutsa da, baina norberaren erlijioa jario jainkotiar bat da.

—Karl MARX: Miseria de la filosofía (respuesta a la “Filosofía de la miseria” del señor Proudhon) ; 1847an eskribitua. Frantsesetik gaztelerara itzulia (editorial Cartago, 1987)

Elkartasuna Arantza Díaz preso politiko gasteiztarrarekin
