Blagoev |
Declaration of the Bulgarian Communist Party (left-wing socialists)
against the Neuilly Peace Treaty,
read by Dimiter Blagoev in the National Assembly
November 9th,
After all this I shall read the following protest from the Communist group: On behalf of all working classes in Bulgaria the Bulgarian Communist Party protests against the Paris imposed peace treaty which dismembers the Bulgarian people and is subjecting large portions of it to national slavery, and its treasures and lands to constant plunder, which is killing its economic and cultural development, infringing its state independence and creating conditions for its ultimate economic and political enslavement; at the same time the Communist Party condemns the hypocrisy of the Allied imperialists who, in the name of the political freedom of the peoples, drew the whole world into a general carnage, and today in Paris are cynically practicing the doctrine of international banditry by cutting living peoples into parts and plundering their lands, frustrating their future, and subjecting them to the terrible domination of international capital.
Serving a nationalist aggressive policy, the entire Bulgarian bourgeoisie, represented by all bourgeois and petty bourgeois parties, twice committed violence against the people by hurling it into wars against its will, it exposed it twice to mass killing and to untold disasters, defeats and catastrophes, acting as an accomplice of the triumphant Allied imperialism in this horrible crime against the Bulgarian people. The bourgeoisie gave its full backing to the warlike policy of the government in the 1912-1913 and 1915-1918 periods, and unanimously voted all military credits and, therefore, together with the governments and the monarchy, it bears the heavy responsibility of being a killer of our people; its present whine is hypocritical and its present protest against the deeds of the Paris butchers has no meaning.
The Bulgarian Communist Party, which has always and everywhere fought against the warlike policy of the Bulgarian bourgeoisie and monarchism, against militarism and nationalism, which has decisively and categorically rejected all war credits and military undertakings, and which worked energetically during the wars for the immediate conclusion of a peace treaty by opposing any conquest and any annexation and war indemnity, and by actively protesting against the crimes committed by the authorities against the population of the occupied territories, today considers itself morally justified and obliged, on behalf of the working classes in Bulgaria, to accuse the Bulgarian bourgeoisie and monarchy and all their tools and servants of betraying their own people. This betrayal continues today when Bulgaria, suffering and bleeding, is being led to execution. The Bulgarian bourgeoisie, through its right and 'left' wing parties, is supporting the butchers of the Bulgarian people in their aggression, by sword and famine, against the great free Russian people by giving the Russian counter-revolutionaries assistance and sending them arms and ammunition. We protest against these new treacherous deeds which aim at extinguishing the flames of the liberation and renaissance of all oppressed and suffering peoples and classes, and at crushing the Russian revolution. It is not from the suppression, but from the victory of the Russian revolution, which first proclaimed and realized the rights of the people, that the Bulgarian people can expect its liberation from the chains of imperialist bondage. The revolutionary wave is surging in the countries both of the victors and the vanquished, and will soon engulf the whole capitalist world in order to break the chains of capitalism and imperialism and to put an end to all forms of slavery and oppression. The enslaved peoples can find their salvation only in the triumph of the workers' revolution. Its victory in the Balkans is a guarantee for the liberation of Macedonia, Thrace and Dobroudja.
Sending fraternal greetings to the Russian workers and peasants who have been for two years selflessly resisting the attacks of the international counter- revolution in the name both of their own supreme rights and freedoms and of those of the enslaved and exploited people of the whole world; earnestly appealing to the proletariat and the oppressed people in all countries and calling on all revolutionary forces to rally and rise against the domination of the bankrupt international capitalism and imperialism which has been morally disgraced, the Bulgarian Communist Party, at the same time, reminds the Bulgarian working classes in town and countryside of their revolutionary duty.
Long live the Bulgarian Soviet Socialist Republic!
Long live the Balkan Federal Soviet Socialist Republic with free Macedonia, Thrace and Dobroudja!
Long live the international social revolution!
Verbatim Reports, 18th Ordinary National Assembly, Chapter I, p. 2,3. November, 1919, p. 16; Rabotnicheski Vestnik No. 110, November 17, 1919; the original is in Bulgarian.