Proletarians of the Balkan and Danubian countries!
It was hoped that the World War would liberate and unite the oppressed and disunited nations. In the name of this tempting unification the Balkan nations were also dragged into the war. Today it is clear to everybody that the war, far from solving this problem, resulted in a new dismemberment and enslavement of many nations. The Bulgarian nation has been mercilessly dismembered. Compact parts of it in Macedonia, Thrace and Dobroudja are under foreign domination. Under the oppression of Greater Romania of the big landowners, large national minorities of Bulgarians and Turks in Dobroudja, of Russians in Bessarabia, of Hungarians and Germans in Transylvania, of Slavs in Banat, etc., live a miserable life. Monarchy and capitalism in Yugoslavia have brutally extended their rule over Macedonia and parts of Albania, over the Hungarians and Germans in Voivodina and the groups of Italians in Dalmatia. The Greek oligarchy, utterly intoxicated by the ideal of the Byzantine Empire, grabbed in its clutches huge masses of Bulgarians, Turks and Albanians, and, in Asia Minor, it goes on seizing large foreign territories. The Italian imperialists are stifling the Albanian people in their claws and are making colossal efforts to enslave them once and for all.
Resolutions and Decisions of the 1st and 2nd Congresses – 1919 and 1920, The Party Council and the Conference of the Balkan Communist Federation, Sofia, 1920, p. 107; the original is in Bulgarian.
1 Founded in 1910 under the name of Balkan Social Democratic Federation (BSDF). At its Third Conference in 1920 it was renamed Balkan Communist Federation (BCF). Its aim was to co-ordinate the activities of the Balkan Communist parties and to contribute to their Leninization. Section of Comintern.